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Product Launch | Influencer Marketing

The Challenge :
Eatopia, a no evil at all philosophy brand that makes healthy snacks wanted to plan the launch of their product. They wanted an ROAS driven campaign that will have offline & online activities.

The Goals :
– Create buzz for their new snacking product which contains 80% of oats – To promote the thought that oats can be used as a quick ready to eat snack & doesn’t have to be limited to being a β€˜boring ingredient’

The Solution :
We took to the streets of India to capture the exact reaction and feedback for the product. We wanted the people PAN India to taste it & be the advocate of the brand. β€˜PEOPLE’ will be the face of the brand.

The Execution:
We had creators take to the streets of different cities & recorded the tasting done by people of all ages. We attested that it’s the #GOATOfAllSnacks at the launch of the product. We also made top creators try different oat snacks, compare the taste & percentage of oats in them & they too declared their snack as #GOATofAllSnacks

The Outcome :
It got the claim that people of India have declared it as #GOATOfAllSnacks The β€˜80%’ of oats + taste was registered & they got a boost in sales after the launch

Campaign Overview


Content pieces


Total estimated reach


Total engagement generated

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