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Product Launch | Influencer Marketing

The Challenge :
Eatopia, a No- Evil- at-all food company, came to us to do something creative to plan the launch of their new product - Fruit Minis.

The Goals :
– Create a buzz around the launch in a fun and quirky way
– Get more and more people to convince to buy the product

The Solution :
People often have a 'toxic relationship ' with their food. We need to break up with this relationship & enter a healthy relationship. Because everyone is always very invested in people ' s personal life, we made the creators put a cryptic story that they have a relationship update awaiting for everyone. They started the video by mentioning they are in a 'toxic relationship ' making people more interested to see what the creators were talking about. They then showed that they were talking about breaking up with Toxic Food relationship and were now entering a healthy relationship with the Fruit Minis

The Execution:
Over 7 Macro Content Creators and over 150 Nano influencers became the part of this campaign to spread the ultimate noise

The Outcome :
The whole campaign created an enormous organic buzz for the brand and their products, and led to 45% of User Generated Content. Reached over 1 million people on the internet through our distribution This activity led to an increase in website visits and orders for the brand.

Campaign Overview


Content pieces


Total estimated reach


User generated content

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