Digital Agency

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Hamleys India


The Challenge :

Hamleys India had organized a nerf fest at their stores. They wanted majority people’s attendance for the event, for the same, we needed to create buzz.

The Goals :

– More visit to the Hamleys stores for the nerf fest

– Create buzz & excitement for the event

The Solution :

We took the influencer coordination for the brand. We liaised with the influencer of the mom community to reach more parents & in turn get them to visit their nearest Hamley store for the nerf fest.

The Execution:

The mom influencer was invited with her kid to visit the store & enjoy the fest with her kid. They had to post a video of their experience with the hashtag of the campaign & promote it.

The Outcome :

  • Awareness of the fest & what to expect at the same was spread to the fellow parents
  • Increased store visits by potential customers
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