Digital Agency

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The Challenge :

K’luxe is a premium vegan skincare brand that makes products that work well for the Indian skin. They reached out for their launch and 360 degree marketing that will help them establish their unique positioning & it’s communication across social media platforms

The Goals :

– Find a unique positioning for the brand

– Create a space in the market for the brand & get attention of the TG

The Solution :

The brand’s tagline was #skincarethatworks. After extensive market research, we foresee that the positioning will be a mass premium brand suitable for Indian skin & focused on actives.

The Execution:

To get the audience’s attention, we need to create value for them rather than sell products to them. Our approach to communication was to educate the audience about the different ingredients & routines for their specific skin concern. A founder is the most passionate person about any brand & hence, he would be the face of the brand. Along with retention marketing, we created a space for the brand to exist in the minds of the consumer.

The Outcome :

  • A unique position for the brand was routed & communicated through various campaigns
  • Audience was educated & made the choice to choose a brand that was new over the brand they had loyalty for
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